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From the Desk Of: Karl Bryan

Dear Friend,

This information is of CRITICAL importance-to-you if you are a coach, trainer or speaker. So I'll forgo the usual platitudes and fluff that normally accompany a letter like this... here's the scoop:

You can win, lose or try in internet marketing. I am going to help the first 100 people that request my DVD's WIN... PLUS, I'm going to bribe you with 50 bucks to have a look!

As you probably heard, in my first 9 months online as a coach - I went from 0 to $187,000.00 from a standing start and with NO 'IT' experience to speak of.

I studied all the "Internet Marketing Guru's" - bought all their courses, studied their programs for days and weeks on end, reverse engineered them, re-engineered them and broke it down to the critical few steps of each.

Thanks to my research and study, I've been able to take a very unique and detailed peek into what each of these coaching systems does, and does not do.

For average, everyday coaches (like you and me) trying to make money on the internet from home - we need a system to follow in order to be successful. I don't know ANYONE that has studied the finer details of internet marketing courses like I have.

An analogy; If you asked me to draw Daffy Duck - It would be totally unrecognizable because I am a horrible artist. If you gave me paint-by-numbers, I would easily provide you a predictable and recognizable job of Daffy Duck. Internet Marketing works the EXACT same way.

This is how I managed to get my first 25 priority clients LIVE with a Membership Site in less than 30 Days.

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I am Unveiling My Secret Online System for Coaches Almost Nobody Knows About (Except a Select Few Very High End Coaches)... That Once Available to You... Can Instantly Provide You More Internet Profits and Products... Then You Ever Thought Possible...

Truth be told... I now earn alot more than $187,000.00 dollars in 9 months online. My company now operates in 7 countries.

I try to get priority clients online and profitable within 12 weeks of being introduced to my system. I teach people how to research the topics, follow my guaranteed formulas, how to create the product or material (note: I decided to do it for you!! Read on...), then leverage the product to your maximum advantage and essentially start making money online instantly!

The problem was, the success rate, was FAR TOO unpredictable. I've got a ton of success stories, but when I do the numbers from top to bottom, the variance between the top producer and the worst producer was HUGE.

Therefore, coaches were spending their hard money and not creating predictable profits fast enough. I was frustrated because people had believed in my system and paid good money to use it and I wanted ALL coaches to make REAL passive money online...

The reasons why coaches got derailed in their quest for online success include the following:

  • They couldn't work out what sort of product WOULD sell
  • Once they decided - creating the product took too long
  • The Sales Letters were poor and not converting
  • They couldn't get anyone to do a joint venture with them

Then at 3.23 am on a Tuesday night in December.... I woke up from a deep, deep, sleep...

I Miraculously Stumbled Upon A Dead-Easy System, That Could INSTANTLY Have Coaches Online and Profiting in a Month From A Standing Start with Recurring Income!

Before you give me too much credit for creating this coaching formula from fresh air, I've got to be 100% totally honest with you. It's NOT something I created, but I really "borrowed" these strategies from about 7 different internet marketing "gurus".

Internet Marketers like Steven Pierce, Russell Brunson, Stephen Luc, Mike Filsaime, Armand Morin, Ali Brown, Rich Schefren and more...

I completely reverse engineered 7 separate internet models I'd been using to grow my own online business.

Each of these models made sense, but while re-engineering them, I found small but critical factors that left almost every "average" coach from succeeding 'predictably' with each and every one of them!

I was taught early on, that successful business is about, doing something ONCE and getting paid FOREVER for it.

Then, as previously mentioned, one night in December, I woke up at 3.23 am from a Deep Deep Sleep. I was dreaming about a way to have each and every coach PROFITABLE from a standing start... and that's when it came to me!

When I re-created the parts from each of these internet models, and placed them in a very particular order, one that almost seemed ridiculous at first... It instantly, almost magically, made a multiple of 5 in terms of product and profit!

During a mastermind meeting with my team, I worked out a way ANYONE could do it within 72 hours of starting! Because I changed the rules... My TEAM does all the work for you!

Act TODAY and I am going to create NEW Personal and Business Development Product, Digital and Audio Merchandise and sales letters EVERY Single Week On Your Behalf! Just Watch Your Inbox... Add To Cart

Most of my team thought I had lost the plot completely offering to work for all my members and practically give away all my priceless products that make me Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars Per Year - and that took and take countless hours to professionally create!

Since Making the change the success rate for MY private members has been 5 Times GREATER than my usual, excellent, results!

So, after seeing the instant results I decided to create a DVD outlining my process, with weekly instructions to back it up that teaches this new system to budding internet marketers - that do not want to CONSTANTLY create product.

Every Coach Had A Complete Membership Site UP Within 14 Days!

Everyone agreed it was AMAZING!

This step-by-step DVD was done at my office, I desiged it for coaches who wanted to "Stop Confusing Being Busy with Being Successful" and discover every single insider secret and backend step of how I went about earning $187,00.00 in my First 9 Months Online.

I described in cracker jack detail every step of the different internet business models I had explained before. I diagrammed them out and pointed out ALL of their inconsistencies and mistakes. After reverse engineering each of these for them - I then provided a Detailed and Comprehensive Roadmap of the BEST pieces in the CORRECT format and order.

I told them very candidly of why 90% of the "make money in your pyjamas" programs FAILS and outlined numerous overlooked aspects that are VITAL -- yet almost always overlooked and these are the critical components that keep most coaches from making the money they desire and deserve online.

So tell me... How would you have liked to be a "fly on the wall" during that High-end, by invitation only Coaches Master-Mind session? I un-covered a LOT of "high end" take charge strategies you won't be provided in any ebooks, internet forums or $5,000.00 courses.

Well.... If that is of interest - I am PROVIDING The "Fly On The Wall" Experience... FREE on My DVD Titled

"How I Earned $187,000.00 in My First 9 Months Online as A Coach"

Act Now And It's FREE! Add To Cart

The good news is I`ve Loaded Everything and Am About to Send it to Your Doorstep:

  • You can start watching it right away as soon as you get it in the mail! No need to fumble around ripping the CDs or importing them to IPod`s. Just press OPEN/CLOSE and push PLAY!
  • You can listen during "NET" (No Extra Time) time like exercising, working on the computer or doing chores.
  • It's a physical "reminder" to listen to the DVD over and over again! The fact is, this DVD is just too INCREDIBLY important to hide on your hard drive, get lost in the stack, or get mixed up with the latest Lady Gaga Album.

With your permission, I want to send you my DVD's by mail. I honestly believe (and know) that the content on it will change your coaching business and your life forever.

I asked coaches at my mastermind session how much I should charge for the content, and all of them gave prices that were over $3,500. When I told them my plans, they all thought I was crazy, especially since each DVD is costing me over $15 AND the actual content is worth at LEAST $1,500!

But there are 3 reasons why I wanted to do this:

  1. I wanted to illustrate exactly how I earned $187,000 in my first 9 months Online as a Coach What you are experiencing right now is my system in action. Note; I do not just teach it, this is actually what I do on a daily basis. For the past 6 months we have been developing this system for coaches and really trying to get it to a point that is idiot proof.
  2. Because I HONESTLY believe so much in the coaching profession, it has changed my life forever, and I therefore want you to have it. Am I going to try to sell you other products and services in the future? Of course I am, but without the foundation, none of those other products will ever benefit you. I want to give you a solid foundation that you can build your coaching business from.
  3. It's going to ensure that you read all of my emails from now on, because you'll never know when I may give another offer as incredible as this one that is presented to you now...

**So Lets Plug Some Numbers In...

Members at $49 per month Monthly Income Recurring Annual Recurring Income
One Per Week (52) $2,444.00 $29,328.00
(your trip around the world)
Two Per Week (105) $5,096.00 $61,152.00
(your new BMW)
One Per Day (365) $17,155.00 $205,860.00
(your new lifestyle)

As you can see... the numbers get pretty exciting, pretty quick. And I am not talking about something that others are not doing as well. It's time to get of the sidelines and into the game. Note; once you build this up it is VERY saleable to the tune of $100,000++ - The only Businesses anyone wants to buy anymore are internet based.

If you have been looking for a simple and solidly based way to start earning a decent income online with your coaching business - GET MY DVD's! If you'd love to triple your time off to golf, holiday and spend time with your friends and family, then do not delay.

Even if you are new, you're about to learn how others quickly and easily get "the edge" and hear real life examples of how others are doing it RIGHT NOW. I'll give you the red-hot-tip: they are not any smarter than you!


Because I'll show you, from experience, exactly how I did. I still remember the day I enrolled in my first internet marketing program online - I was SO excited and determined to make it work.

Would YOU love to have bragging rights like this?

Big claims? For I some I suppose, but we can prove that this is not some "blue-sky-magic-wand" theory.We can guarantee our members have you a $97 per month membership site up in 30 Days!

New to coaching? No more need to be nervous. Use 'Internet Marketing With Karl System' and your coaching business can explode in profits! NOT in workload....

No hype, I'll prove it shortly. But first, here's the story of how I got introduced to Coaching Online.

"I Finally Realized I was Tired of Confusing Being 'Busy' with Being 'Successful'!"

Not that long ago, I was a struggling coach (probably just like you?), pouring heaps of time and energy into finding new clients.

I dreamed of holidays with my family, flexible hours and recurring income. I had to find a way to change what I was doing - to start automating my efforts - and actually make my dreams happen. It was time to achieve the personal and business success I deserved.

One day, I finally made the decision that I was no longer going to work long hours for no reward, and that I had to find a new way of doing business so I could make the money I deserved.

I knew I needed to make a smart investment that would keep me from making more costly mistakes. It wasn't long before I found Internet Marketing - and I started buying into every Membership Program I could get my hands on.

I learned to speed read so I literally flew through the material but still was managing to retain the information - I took COPIOUS amounts of notes. Literally filled 20 note pads and have kept every note I took.

Once I discovered how powerful this was - when done slightly differently than they were teaching it, I used the exact system to, get hundreds of paying monthly members in 6 different countries.

I Was Driven to Proven Them All Wrong!

Like you, I had my share of failures in business, but I had enough successes and enough money to keep me going to the office every week. There were people who supported me and what I was doing, but there were always a few naysayers getting under my skin saying I had no IT skills so how could I possibly make Internet Marketing work. I was absolutely driven to prove them WRONG.

Funny what happens when your back is to the wall. When you're that determined, you can harness other people's doubt to propel you to success.

And what a success it has been! Today, as a VERY SUCCESSFUL "Internet Marketer" I make tens of thousands of dollars each month automatically and operate my company in 6 countries.

Apparently there's a recession going on... I haven't noticed and have refused to participate.

Obviously, coaching can be a difficult space to operate in - 'eating what you kill' can be a tough place to operate. Initially I didn't want to "let the cat of the bag" and tell anyone how I was so successful and had all of this time off.

That's when I decided it was time to give coaches like you a break and different, highly affordable, easily accessible way of reaping high rewards like I was. That's what I've called:

Act Now And It's FREE!
Are You Leaving...

INTRODUCING "Internet Marketing With Karl" Step-by-Step, Paint-By-Numbers Weekly E-Class System Plus DONE-FOR-YOU Product, Digital and Audio Treasure-Chest-For-Coaches

Maximizing and Mastering the INNER Game of Internet Marketing and Earning Passive and Recurring Income
  • Understand that the quickest way to become a ROCKSTAR in this day and age is to become successful at internet marketing. I BEAT off clients for the simple reason I am earning online - IF you want the same, commit to following through on my system for coaches and watch your life morph into a dream.
  • Stop the Cycle of Continually Selling "Time For Money" NOW
  • Fixing the Problem of "How You Think about Money" and accidently subconsciously repel abundance and automated income without realizing it!
  • The Importance of Internet Marketing Time Integrity and living life on your own terms instead of your businesses nor clients (show me your calendar and I will show you your priorities)
  • My system for working for a living between 9 am and 5pm and creating Internet Marketing wealth for you and your family before 9am and after 5pm.
  • The Powerful and Profitable Internet Marketing Time management Technique of "Dump it, Delegate It, Do It" coined and perfected by Bill Gates
  • The Secret to the planet - if you want to be successful in Internet Marketing - which less than 4% of the population know
  • The three wishes that everyone has while on their death bed - and how to ease the eventual pain NOW and before it is too late!
  • Finally the BIG ONE... How to STOP talking about Internet Marketing and automated income while time-crunched, over-stressed, and being downright lazy... and how to schedule and Implement your 80 - 20 rules and start implementing them into your reality starting right NOW!

Karl, send my DVD's...

Product Creation "Done-For-You" - NO excuses on My System... EVERY SINGLE WEEK, included with your weekly E-Class and practical assignment I will be creating your NEW Product and "Digital Merchandise Treasure- Chest" and High-End Professional New Sales Letter FOR You!
  • Finding and creating products can STOP aspiring internet marketers in their tracks. Never going to be a problem for "Internet Marketing With Karl" Members... As my commitment to you - My Product Development TEAM is hard at work NOW creating new time-tested digital product and merchandise.
  • These products can be used both online and offline for as long as you are a member of the site.
  • You will be provided TOTAL rebranding rights to all products I provide for as long as you are a member.
  • You can combine the products and make them into an offline book and become an author (most topics will be personal and business development related for coaches)
  • You can break the chapters up and use them as auto responders and send out via email
  • You can use the info on your website as your own 'tips and tricks'
  • Use the material as your own Blog posts, Articles and press-releases....
  • Or Video scripts and podcasts...
  • You can combine OR GIVE the info to/with a JV and create a co-authored book and leverage their contacts to provide you clients, you can break the chapters up and create a series of "7 Secrets Reports"...
  • You can create niche products... Ex. When we provide you a "Speed Reading Master Course"... You could create a 'Speed Reading Master Course for Small Business Owners', Speed Reading Master Course for Coaches, Speed Reading Master Course for Teenagers, Speed Reading Master Course for New Entrepreneurs Trying to Get the Social Media Edge...
  • Plus you could offer it as "Sign up today and get my bonus program Called "Speed Reading Master Course for YOUR NAME's new coaching clients". Your clients will be impressed you have your own speed-reading course.
  • The constantly growing and automatically delivered "digital merchandise" to your inbox each week is worth the price of membership ALONE!
  • Each weekly product and digital "merchandise" includes, FREE of charge with membership, a fully developed product ready for resale, complete with graphics provided plus complete product files for easy distribution.
  • With Done for You Personal and Business Development Product and Digital Merchandise provided for you weekly... the options are ONLY limited to your own creativity.

Karl, send my DVD's...

Social Media and its Ability (or in some cases inability) to Drive You Coaching Sales
  • Creating Your Social Media Roadmap - Before choosing your social media game plan you need to align your activities with your goals. One of the best ways to do this is to listen first - plan later. We do this for and with you in a step-by-step, paint-by-numbers manner.
  • Becoming Famous and Credible - A number of Social media platforms provide an enormous opportunity to create outposts for your new content and "digital merchandise". I will provide a game plan to best optimize your profile, personal brand and other social media real estate.
  • Blogging for Coaching Business - You may have a blog, surely you've heard all about them. I will explain, in cracker-jack detail why every coach should consider a blog as the central hub of their entire social media strategy. And why it works better than any other roadmap!!
  • The Advantages of Getting Involved With Networks - Creating profiles on the major social networking sites is NOT enough. In this session we will cover the best practices for creating new clients on platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.
  • Managing the Beast - The burden of attempting to keep up with the set of actions required to participate fully in social media can overwhelm. In this session we will create your social media roadmap in an attempt to bring it all together so you can balance input with ROI.

Karl, send my DVD's...

Discover Hidden and NOT often Talked About Client Attraction Strategies, Virtual Lead Generation Systems and Pay-Per-Click techniques that are Mind-Numbingly-Easy.
  • Create a FLOOD of Inexpensive Red-Hot Prospects Itching and Already Searching For Your Coaching Solutions.
  • Discover the quickest method on the planet to produce quality paying traffic in minutes - if it does not generate the traffic you do not sell the product or category (secret to internet marketing is know if something will sell BEFORE you create or sell the program)
  • Discover the EXACT SAME click-by-click method I use to sell product after product and membership after membership for my coaching business with little to NO time expense.
  • Discover all the secrets the "Gurus" have been hiding from you. In fact, you'll be kicking yourself for not finding my coaching formula sooner!
  • Learn to build a responsive mailing list at breakneck speed. This is NOT your average course on lead generation though - don't make that mistake in assumption. "Internet Marketing With Karl" is the result of over 500 hours of experimenting and testing in the trenches, various techniques to building a highly responsive list that creates profits and recurring sales!
  • The key goals of creating your own Lead Generation system is in its simplicity to duplicate the model AND results in any hot niches +PLUS the ability to grow the subscribers list EXPONENTIALLY.

Karl, send my DVD's...

Instant Online Conversion Increases for Maximum Coaching Profits
  • How to create Irresistible Online Coaching Offers - ones that melt away any resistance to buy.
  • "Insider Strategies" that increase your conversions like: Personalization, Grabbers, Photographs, Involvement and Premiums.
  • "Insider Coaching Strategies" on massive conversion increases using powerful psychological triggers like: Fear, Guilt, Love, Pride and Greed!
  • "The Low Hanging Fruit" principle and role it plays in your sales.
  • 3 Rock-solid strategies for avoiding the dreaded and frustrating 'I can't get him/her to convert to an online sale. I tried getting them on the phone as well and they ignore my messages and number...'
  • The real reason customers buy online and what you should NEVER do to a customer in your sales process.
  • Plus 32 ways to increase your conversions and reap massive profit from those you already in your sphere of influence.

Karl, send my DVD's...

Breakthrough Writing Techniques and Stealth Tools and templates to Rapidly Influence and Persuade Your Ideal Prospects... and details step-by-step how to apply them to your coaching business to generate Outrageous Profits in Record Breaking Time!

*Note all these techniques can be used on and with your products that are provided FREE of charge each week with your membership.

  • How to use your coaching prospect's "mind's eye" as your own personal movie theatre... and how to play new releases on it that have a philosophical, long-lasting effect on their psyche. (Learn to use this correctly and you'll have the power to speak directly to the brain, arouse it and even cause physical response in your coaching prospects using only the written word).
  • The 4-step coaches copywriting formula that is guaranteed to produce mind-boggling results each and every single time you use it.
  • The one key element that must be crystal-clear before you write a word to your prospect. Get this one wrong and your promotions will always bomb massively.
  • How to perform research like a true wizard of words... Take a few minutes extra than normal to research but your copy will virtually write itself if you follow the formula!
  • How to stop and destroy the dreadful writers block forever. Follow a few of my simple steps and you'll never fear the blank computer screen or blank page (dependent upon how old-school you are :o) again.
  • Discover how to craft powerful copy that sends prospective coaching clients into an immediate and rabid buying frenzy.
  • How to write copy that aims straight to the heart of your coaching client, plays mind-games with his or her darkest, deepest and most primal needs and makes him or her fall in love and anxiously desire your coaching.
  • How to manufacture sensitivity and emotions in your coaching prospect (this information is extremely controlling, and it could be hazardous if it fell in the wrong hands... so you must consent to use it only for good and dignified reasons like persuading coaching clients).
  • Discover the power of embedded instructions, linguistic connecters, verbal modeling and other psychological triggers... and learn how to use them to seductively sway your coaching client to flip out their cheque book. (This material is so powerful it classifies as hypnosis in many countries... You'll be going deep into the uncharted realms of your prospective client's subconscious).
  • Learn the ancient art of crafting persuasive stories that slip under the radar, destroy buyer's resistance and successfully induce the prospect to buy coaching right now. (Stories are the weapon of choice of the most successful conversational hypnotists... and you're about to find out why and how they do it to generate massive profits rapidly for my coaches).
  • Discover how I use metaphors like a true sales wizard... and apply them strategically to cast mind-binding spells that immediately capture attention, create involvement, eliminate anxiety and engineer agreement with your prospective coaching clients.
  • The proper way to use clichés, quotations, similes, scribbles and other colourful idioms to make your copy glitter and glow brighter than "the strip" in Vegas!
  • I'll teach you how I plant "seeds of curiosity" to create a slippery slope that forces my prospects to read my sales letter from top to bottom, word for word... and produce staggering results and subsequent profits!

Karl, send my DVD's...

Coaches Lead Generation and 'How to Leave With the Cheque Every Time' Tele-Seminar Series

"How to Build and Catapult a Coaching Business... From a Standing Start... Automate Everything So You Earn Some Passive Income... and Sell it For $100,000.00 in Less Than 12 Months - GUARANTEED" I have sold over $5.5 Million Dollars of Coaching, Earn $15,000 per Month Passively and I Will Show You How To Sell Yours and Cash Out FAST!


"How I Built a $5,500,000.00 International Coaching Company Without Coaching a Single Client." An Insiders Peak and Overview into Karl's Bryan's Coaching Business


"Discover How I Generate Unlimited, Weekly, Qualified Coaching Leads - and How You Can Too!". If you are generating leads, selling and coaching for your business... your chances of success are close to 0 - find out how to frame a proper business and start doing what you love and being highly-profitable in the coaching industry.


"Everyone Loves Me and What I Offer... But I Can't Convince Anyone to Buy my Coaching!" Discover how to close and GET 5 figure cheques from clients on-the-spot!


"How I Ethically Sold Hundreds of $10,000 Coaching Programs With a 100% Money Back Guarantee - Often a Double Your Money Back Guarantee - And Never Regretted It For 5 Seconds. Had Less Than 20 Uncomfortable Conversations - None of Which Resulted in a Refund! And Often Ended with a Testimonial." Discover Why You Should Too... And How to Structure the Contracts So You Are Protected From Unsavoury Types That Will Try Take Advantage of You.


"Using the Power of the Internet and Social Media to Get High-End Coaching Clients that PAY-STAY-AND-REFER!" An expert look into the way the internet works and how I leverage the power of the internet to do your lead generation for me.


"How to Double ANY Clients Profits Systematically and Easily By Following an EASY and PROVEN Coaching Formula!" I wrote a book on the subject and can show how to do it, where to start and why it works for retailers, wholesalers, manufacturing concerns and IT companies. Regardless of Clients Intellectual Capacity!


"The Lazy Way For Any Coach to Live the Life They Want, Travel the World & Share With Family.... All While Instantly and Systematically Building a Highly Profitable Coaching Practice Using Hidden and NOT Often Talked About Client Attraction Strategies and Virtual Coaching Techniques!"


"A COMPREHENSIVE Look Into How I Built a $5,500,000.00 International Coaching Company, From a Standing Start, Without Coaching a Single Client." A Look Inside Karl's Bryan's "No Results - No Fee" Coaching Business and an Insider Look into Where All the Profits Were Created


And IF THAT IS NOT ENOUGH.... Check Out These Extra Bonuses I have decided to Throw In at The Last Minute (My Accountant nearly had a heart-attack).

My DVD: "How I Generated 250 Hot New Coaching Leads in 90 Days Using Google"
How I Generated 250 Hot New Coaching Leads in 90 Days Using Google
My Business Plan and Marketing Plan That Attracted and Signed $750,000.00 by Angel Investors for My International Coaching Company! These Plans took 12 Months to Create and Utilized Countless Experts
Business and Marketing Plan
52 Book Summaries of the Best and Most Profitable Business Building and Marketing Books Ever Written
  • Rich Dad, Poor Dad
  • Think and Grow Rich
  • 22 Immutable Laws Of Branding
  • Bag the Elephant
  • Built To Last
  • Creating And Dominating New markets
  • Discover Your Sale Strengths
  • Embracing Uncertainty
  • First in Thirst
  • Fish!
  • Getting Everything You Can Out of All You've Got
  • Gung Ho!
  • How To Close Every Sale
  • How To Become A Rainmaker
  • How To Make Big Money In Your Small Business
  • How To Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci
  • Jack
  • Making Sense of intellectual Capital
  • Managing The Seed Of Change
  • Never Eat Alone
  • Nice Girls Dont Get The Corner Office 101
  • No Logo
  • Positioning
  • Pour Your Heart Into It
  • Purple Cow
  • Raving Fans
  • Secrets of Question based Selling
  • Secrets Of Word Of Mouth Marketing
  • Seed Of Innovation
  • Start Late Finish Rich
  • Start With No
  • Taming Technology
  • The 33 Strategies of war
  • The brand Called You
  • The E-myth Revisited
  • The Richest man in Babylon
  • The Tipping Point
  • The Toyota Way
  • The Baron Son
  • The End Of Marketing As We Know It
  • The Starbucks Experience
  • Rich Dad Guide To Investing
  • TrumpNation
  • Value-Added Selling
  • What Is The Emperor Wearing
  • What's Your Story
  • What Works In Wall Street
  • Who Moved My Cheese
  • Who Says Elephants Can't Dance
  • Working With Emotional Intelligence
  • Your Marketing Sucks
  • Effective Networking For Professional


The Very Same Information My Friends Have Begged Me to Share

Look, ever since launching my Internet Marketing Business, I've been inundated with emails asking about my strategy. Friends have been annoyed with me because I have not been able to take the time to explain exactly what I do. Some of my tactics and the strategies associated with my system are so subtle, they are hard to pick up.

The reality is, I just do not have the time to teach these strategies and the formula one-one-one. Sure, I have shared the secrets and intricacies with some of my friends, International Marketing TEAM and inner circle. But aside from this select few, everyone has been in the dark until now.

This isn't because I don't want to share... but because there is only so much time in the day and I am busy growing my own business and enjoying my life!

My recurring income online frowns exponentially each week - just imagine what it can do for yours! Think about this for a moment... what would an automated coaching system do for you? Would it put you in a different league of mover of shakers in the coaching world?

I will tell you this, making money online is the fastest way to becoming a Rock Star in the eyes of your clients and friends. My system will not only place you in a different category of income earners. It turns your marketing strategy into a predictable results-based process that will earn you profits long after implementation. This will enable you to avoid the vicious cycle of selling time for money.

Plus you will command respect and admiration from the people that matter the most - your family, friends and clients. As you grow your group of raving fans, you will find affluent clients come easier than you could have ever dreamed.

Get Ready For Radical Speed, Growth and Sustainable Profitability!

When I finally announced that I was releasing 'Internet Marketing With Karl ' in this paint-by-numbers online format with all the extra tools, templates and resources I had, several of my International Marketing Coaching TEAM leaders told me it should sell, over the internet, for at least $1,997 up front, maybe even $3,997.

I stand by the incredible value of my system, but I want to make sure that business owners like you can benefit from it. I have decided to follow my life's purpose.

I wanted to make this system as widely available as possible. So, I have put it into an online eLearning course that uses the very same accelerated learning strategy used with our one-to-one coaching clients so it's easily digestible and can be correctly implemented for coaches - FAST!

Not only that, my goal is to build hundreds of success stories. After all, the real barometer of any successful program is how well it works for those that use it!

So, I made the conscious decision so there is absolutely NO RISK INVOLVED for you (a lot of my subscribers are referred by close friends and family) whatsoever. I am willing to let you TEST DRIVE it for 30 days (so no one has a valid excuse to miss out on the life altering eLearning, resources, tools and templates) and all you have to do is pay a one-time shipping charge for my DVD's.

Those that get in quick and enjoy all the treasure-chest of digital merchandise I provide them will be automatically grandfathered in to our weekly ELearning Internet Marketing System for only $97 per month and they'll stay up to date with our consistently updated cutting edge material. And, you are FREE to cancel anytime you wish, no weasel clauses, no hard feelings and no need to explain your reason for cancelling.

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Internet Marketing With Karl is NOT...

Now, before you join our life-altering internet marketing program and get access to the system, education, resources tools and templates... I want you to know what 'Internet Marketing With Karl' is NOT. This way I can make sure it gets into the hands of the people who can really use it...

  • 'Internet Marketing With Karl' is NOT some dodgy system that puts money in your bank account by pushing a button. It's going to take some time to learn, some time to strategize and some time to execute. If you're looking for a magic witch potion that makes you money with zero effort - you're not going to find it here.
  • 'Internet Marketing With Karl' is NOT a system where we come in and do all the work for you and your business. The education, resources, tools and templates are there for you to use, change, tweak to suit and leverage so you no longer have to feel like you are doing it all yourself. Expect to multiply your effectiveness by a factor of 10 once you have access to our on-going support tools and resources.

Obviously, 'Internet Marketing With Karl' e-course isn't for everybody. We do not claim to be everything to everyone... no coaching program can be. But if you're someone who acts on solid, proven formulas and step-by-step instruction - it's going to make a dramatic difference in your results.

Not only that...

"If You Do Not See Results... Simply Cancel and NEVER Pay Another Cent!"

The last thing anyone needs is some super-duper formula or course that doesn't live up to the promises made. Your computer and bookshelves are probably already packed with stuff you bought and never really made use of.

That is why you're so cautious when you purchase these days - and rightfully so.

My vision is to build a world-class company to educate people in the area of automating their coaching and earning recurring income. That's why my trademark is 'No Results-No Fee™'. Ask anyone who has been through one of my courses - we simply deliver the goods.

What does all this represent to you?

The bottom-line is this. I do not want you feeling like "Internet Marketing With Karl" is a gamble. Embrace the step-by-step weekly instruction. Try out our education, resources, templates and tools. Piece them together and see if they add up to a MASSIVE difference in your results. It doesn't matter if you are using them for a product, a service, a new business or an online venture. Just have a go, and if you're not happy, for ANY reason at all in the next 30 days, just contact us (we don't hide it, you'll see the phone number on the FAQ page) and you will not be charged another cent. No weasel clause, and no explanation necessary.

Does that seem like a no risk proposition or what? You'll be granted access to the Internet Marketing eLearning, resources, templates and tools for 30 days to see with your very own eyes if I'm full of BS... or if this is all I explained it to be... if not more.

Provided you are for real about ramping your coaching business up quite a few notches, I GUARANTEE you'll be overjoyed.

End of Story.


We all know there's nothing wrong with an ethical bribe ;)

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Ok... it is time to break up the "well-wishers" from those that take action...

"The More You Defend Your Excuses... The More They Own You! It is UP to YOU Now... Ready to Join the Movers and Shakers?"

Listen, I am not going to build this up and say you'll automatically create income of $187,000 in your first 9 Months Online like I did. I have no idea what you will do... in fact you could make my results look like kids play.

It's absolutely possible and this is the direction coaching is going - with or without you and I. What you need is the proper strategy to piece it all together, and you'll see every one of the steps will have predictable, duplicateable, transferable conversions. You'll make your customers smile from ear to ear, build a fanatical following, and most importantly - deliver them what they want in an automated format vs just selling time for money to them.

Give 'Internet Marketing With Karl' a FREE TEST DRIVE... if you're not over the moon, you will not have to pay a cent more - plus you will be able to keep our FREE gifts and Bonuses. But I doubt you'll be asking to cancel - you'll be too busy counting the extra money we help put in your wallet!

Yes Karl,

I understand I'll get:

Maximizing and Mastering the INNER Game of Internet Marketing and Earning Passive and Recurring Income
  • Understand that the quickest way to become a ROCKSTAR in this day and age is to become successful at internet marketing. I BEAT off clients for the simple reason I am earning online - IF you want the same, commit to following through on my system for coaches and watch your life morph into a dream.
  • Stop the Cycle of Continually Selling "Time For Money" NOW
  • Fixing the Problem of "How You Think about Money" and accidently subconsciously repel abundance and automated income without realizing it!
  • The Importance of Internet Marketing Time Integrity and living life on your own terms instead of your businesses nor clients (show me your calendar and I will show you your priorities)
  • My system for working for a living between 9 am and 5pm and creating Internet Marketing wealth for you and your family before 9am and after 5pm.
  • The Powerful and Profitable Internet Marketing Time management Technique of "Dump it, Delegate It, Do It" coined and perfected by Bill Gates
  • The Secret to the planet - if you want to be successful in Internet Marketing - which less than 4% of the population know
  • The three wishes that everyone has while on their death bed - and how to ease the eventual pain NOW and before it is too late!
  • Finally the BIG ONE... How to STOP talking about Internet Marketing and automated income while time-crunched, over-stressed, and being downright lazy... and how to schedule and Implement your 80 - 20 rules and start implementing them into your reality starting right NOW!

Karl, send my DVD's...

Product Creation "Done-For-You" - NO excuses on My System... EVERY SINGLE WEEK, included with your weekly E-Class and practical assignment I will be creating your NEW Product and "Digital Merchandise Treasure- Chest" and High-End Professional New Sales Letter FOR You!
  • Finding and creating products can STOP aspiring internet marketers in their tracks. Never going to be a problem for "Internet Marketing With Karl" Members... As my commitment to you - My Product Development TEAM is hard at work NOW creating new time-tested digital product and merchandise.
  • These products can be used both online and offline for as long as you are a member of the site.
  • You will be provided TOTAL rebranding rights to all products I provide for as long as you are a member.
  • You can combine the products and make them into an offline book and become an author (most topics will be personal and business development related for coaches)
  • You can break the chapters up and use them as auto responders and send out via email
  • You can use the info on your website as your own 'tips and tricks'
  • Use the material as your own Blog posts, Articles and press-releases....
  • Or Video scripts and podcasts...
  • You can combine OR GIVE the info to/with a JV and create a co-authored book and leverage their contacts to provide you clients, you can break the chapters up and create a series of "7 Secrets Reports"...
  • You can create niche products... Ex. When we provide you a "Speed Reading Master Course"... You could create a 'Speed Reading Master Course for Small Business Owners', Speed Reading Master Course for Coaches, Speed Reading Master Course for Teenagers, Speed Reading Master Course for New Entrepreneurs Trying to Get the Social Media Edge...
  • Plus you could offer it as "Sign up today and get my bonus program Called "Speed Reading Master Course for YOUR NAME's new coaching clients". Your clients will be impressed you have your own speed-reading course.
  • The constantly growing and automatically delivered "digital merchandise" to your inbox each week is worth the price of membership ALONE!
  • Each weekly product and digital "merchandise" includes, FREE of charge with membership, a fully developed product ready for resale, complete with graphics provided plus complete product files for easy distribution.
  • With Done for You Personal and Business Development Product and Digital Merchandise provided for you weekly... the options are ONLY limited to your own creativity.

Karl, send my DVD's...

Social Media and its Ability (or in some cases inability) to Drive You Coaching Sales
  • Creating Your Social Media Roadmap - Before choosing your social media game plan you need to align your activities with your goals. One of the best ways to do this is to listen first - plan later. We do this for and with you in a step-by-step, paint-by-numbers manner.
  • Becoming Famous and Credible - A number of Social media platforms provide an enormous opportunity to create outposts for your new content and "digital merchandise". I will provide a game plan to best optimize your profile, personal brand and other social media real estate.
  • Blogging for Coaching Business - You may have a blog, surely you've heard all about them. I will explain, in cracker-jack detail why every coach should consider a blog as the central hub of their entire social media strategy. And why it works better than any other roadmap!!
  • The Advantages of Getting Involved With Networks - Creating profiles on the major social networking sites is NOT enough. In this session we will cover the best practices for creating new clients on platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.
  • Managing the Beast - The burden of attempting to keep up with the set of actions required to participate fully in social media can overwhelm. In this session we will create your social media roadmap in an attempt to bring it all together so you can balance input with ROI.

Karl, send my DVD's...

Discover Hidden and NOT often Talked About Client Attraction Strategies, Virtual Lead Generation Systems and Pay-Per-Click techniques that are Mind-Numbingly-Easy.
  • Create a FLOOD of Inexpensive Red-Hot Prospects Itching and Already Searching For Your Coaching Solutions.
  • Discover the quickest method on the planet to produce quality paying traffic in minutes - if it does not generate the traffic you do not sell the product or category (secret to internet marketing is know if something will sell BEFORE you create or sell the program)
  • Discover the EXACT SAME click-by-click method I use to sell product after product and membership after membership for my coaching business with little to NO time expense.
  • Discover all the secrets the "Gurus" have been hiding from you. In fact, you'll be kicking yourself for not finding my coaching formula sooner!
  • Learn to build a responsive mailing list at breakneck speed. This is NOT your average course on lead generation though - don't make that mistake in assumption. "Internet Marketing With Karl" is the result of over 500 hours of experimenting and testing in the trenches, various techniques to building a highly responsive list that creates profits and recurring sales!
  • The key goals of creating your own Lead Generation system is in its simplicity to duplicate the model AND results in any hot niches +PLUS the ability to grow the subscribers list EXPONENTIALLY.

Karl, send my DVD's...

Instant Online Conversion Increases for Maximum Coaching Profits
  • How to create Irresistible Online Coaching Offers - ones that melt away any resistance to buy.
  • "Insider Strategies" that increase your conversions like: Personalization, Grabbers, Photographs, Involvement and Premiums.
  • "Insider Coaching Strategies" on massive conversion increases using powerful psychological triggers like: Fear, Guilt, Love, Pride and Greed!
  • "The Low Hanging Fruit" principle and role it plays in your sales.
  • 3 Rock-solid strategies for avoiding the dreaded and frustrating 'I can't get him/her to convert to an online sale. I tried getting them on the phone as well and they ignore my messages and number...'
  • The real reason customers buy online and what you should NEVER do to a customer in your sales process.
  • Plus 32 ways to increase your conversions and reap massive profit from those you already in your sphere of influence.

Karl, send my DVD's...

Breakthrough Writing Techniques and Stealth Tools and templates to Rapidly Influence and Persuade Your Ideal Prospects... and details step-by-step how to apply them to your coaching business to generate Outrageous Profits in Record Breaking Time!

*Note all these techniques can be used on and with your products that are provided FREE of charge each week with your membership.

  • How to use your coaching prospect's "mind's eye" as your own personal movie theatre... and how to play new releases on it that have a philosophical, long-lasting effect on their psyche. (Learn to use this correctly and you'll have the power to speak directly to the brain, arouse it and even cause physical response in your coaching prospects using only the written word).
  • The 4-step coaches copywriting formula that is guaranteed to produce mind-boggling results each and every single time you use it.
  • The one key element that must be crystal-clear before you write a word to your prospect. Get this one wrong and your promotions will always bomb massively.
  • How to perform research like a true wizard of words... Take a few minutes extra than normal to research but your copy will virtually write itself if you follow the formula!
  • How to stop and destroy the dreadful writers block forever. Follow a few of my simple steps and you'll never fear the blank computer screen or blank page (dependent upon how old-school you are :o) again.
  • Discover how to craft powerful copy that sends prospective coaching clients into an immediate and rabid buying frenzy.
  • How to write copy that aims straight to the heart of your coaching client, plays mind-games with his or her darkest, deepest and most primal needs and makes him or her fall in love and anxiously desire your coaching.
  • How to manufacture sensitivity and emotions in your coaching prospect (this information is extremely controlling, and it could be hazardous if it fell in the wrong hands... so you must consent to use it only for good and dignified reasons like persuading coaching clients).
  • Discover the power of embedded instructions, linguistic connecters, verbal modeling and other psychological triggers... and learn how to use them to seductively sway your coaching client to flip out their cheque book. (This material is so powerful it classifies as hypnosis in many countries... You'll be going deep into the uncharted realms of your prospective client's subconscious).
  • Learn the ancient art of crafting persuasive stories that slip under the radar, destroy buyer's resistance and successfully induce the prospect to buy coaching right now. (Stories are the weapon of choice of the most successful conversational hypnotists... and you're about to find out why and how they do it to generate massive profits rapidly for my coaches).
  • Discover how I use metaphors like a true sales wizard... and apply them strategically to cast mind-binding spells that immediately capture attention, create involvement, eliminate anxiety and engineer agreement with your prospective coaching clients.
  • The proper way to use clichés, quotations, similes, scribbles and other colourful idioms to make your copy glitter and glow brighter than "the strip" in Vegas!
  • I'll teach you how I plant "seeds of curiosity" to create a slippery slope that forces my prospects to read my sales letter from top to bottom, word for word... and produce staggering results and subsequent profits!

Karl, send my DVD's...

Coaches Lead Generation and 'How to Leave With the Cheque Every Time' Tele-Seminar Series

"How to Build and Catapult a Coaching Business... From a Standing Start... Automate Everything So You Earn Some Passive Income... and Sell it For $100,000.00 in Less Than 12 Months - GUARANTEED" I have sold over $5.5 Million Dollars of Coaching, Earn $15,000 per Month Passively and I Will Show You How To Sell Yours and Cash Out FAST!


"How I Built a $5,500,000.00 International Coaching Company Without Coaching a Single Client." An Insiders Peak and Overview into Karl's Bryan's Coaching Business


"Discover How I Generate Unlimited, Weekly, Qualified Coaching Leads - and How You Can Too!". If you are generating leads, selling and coaching for your business... your chances of success are close to 0 - find out how to frame a proper business and start doing what you love and being highly-profitable in the coaching industry.


"Everyone Loves Me and What I Offer... But I Can't Convince Anyone to Buy my Coaching!" Discover how to close and GET 5 figure cheques from clients on-the-spot!


"How I Ethically Sold Hundreds of $10,000 Coaching Programs With a 100% Money Back Guarantee - Often a Double Your Money Back Guarantee - And Never Regretted It For 5 Seconds. Had Less Than 20 Uncomfortable Conversations - None of Which Resulted in a Refund! And Often Ended with a Testimonial." Discover Why You Should Too... And How to Structure the Contracts So You Are Protected From Unsavoury Types That Will Try Take Advantage of You.


"Using the Power of the Internet and Social Media to Get High-End Coaching Clients that PAY-STAY-AND-REFER!" An expert look into the way the internet works and how I leverage the power of the internet to do your lead generation for me.


"How to Double ANY Clients Profits Systematically and Easily By Following an EASY and PROVEN Coaching Formula!" I wrote a book on the subject and can show how to do it, where to start and why it works for retailers, wholesalers, manufacturing concerns and IT companies. Regardless of Clients Intellectual Capacity!


"The Lazy Way For Any Coach to Live the Life They Want, Travel the World & Share With Family.... All While Instantly and Systematically Building a Highly Profitable Coaching Practice Using Hidden and NOT Often Talked About Client Attraction Strategies and Virtual Coaching Techniques!"


"A COMPREHENSIVE Look Into How I Built a $5,500,000.00 International Coaching Company, From a Standing Start, Without Coaching a Single Client." A Look Inside Karl's Bryan's "No Results - No Fee" Coaching Business and an Insider Look into Where All the Profits Were Created

And IF THAT IS NOT ENOUGH.... Check Out These Extra Bonuses I have decided to Throw In at The Last Minute (My Accountant nearly had a heart-attack).
My DVD: "How I Generated 250 Hot New Coaching Leads in 90 Days Using Google"
How I Generated 250 Hot New Coaching Leads in 90 Days Using Google
My Business Plan and Marketing Plan That Attracted and Signed $750,000.00 by Angel Investors for My International Coaching Company! These Plans took 12 Months to Create and Utilized Countless Experts
Business and Marketing Plan
52 Book Summaries of the Best and Most Profitable Business Building and Marketing Books Ever Written
  • Rich Dad, Poor Dad
  • Think and Grow Rich
  • 22 Immutable Laws Of Branding
  • Bag the Elephant
  • Built To Last
  • Creating And Dominating New markets
  • Discover Your Sale Strengths
  • Embracing Uncertainty
  • First in Thirst
  • Fish!
  • Getting Everything You Can Out of All You've Got
  • Gung Ho!
  • How To Close Every Sale
  • How To Become A Rainmaker
  • How To Make Big Money In Your Small Business
  • How To Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci
  • Jack
  • Making Sense of intellectual Capital
  • Managing The Seed Of Change
  • Never Eat Alone
  • Nice Girls Dont Get The Corner Office 101
  • No Logo
  • Positioning
  • Pour Your Heart Into It
  • Purple Cow
  • Raving Fans
  • Secrets of Question based Selling
  • Secrets Of Word Of Mouth Marketing
  • Seed Of Innovation
  • Start Late Finish Rich
  • Start With No
  • Taming Technology
  • The 33 Strategies of war
  • The brand Called You
  • The E-myth Revisited
  • The Richest man in Babylon
  • The Tipping Point
  • The Toyota Way
  • The Baron Son
  • The End Of Marketing As We Know It
  • The Starbucks Experience
  • Rich Dad Guide To Investing
  • TrumpNation
  • Value-Added Selling
  • What Is The Emperor Wearing
  • What's Your Story
  • What Works In Wall Street
  • Who Moved My Cheese
  • Who Says Elephants Can't Dance
  • Working With Emotional Intelligence
  • Your Marketing Sucks
  • Effective Networking For Professional

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Dedicated to your success,

Karl F. Bryan

P.S. A Small reminder... I'm only releasing 100 copies of my DVD titled "How I Earned $187,000 in My First 9 Months Online as A Coach!" and 30 Day Backstage Passes to view my entire "Closed-Door" Online Coaching operation where I earn over 15K per month with virtual monthly coaching clients that I have never met... There are hundreds of people Pre-Registered and I do not want you to miss out - click the link NOW.

P.P.S. One last thing... it's important. Proximity is Power... if you want to genuinely earn passive income with your coaching business - get around people that are doing it so they can show you how. Get in the game and claim your DVD - it might not work for you (it is not for everyone and is NO get rich quick scheme) - but if it does - it has the capacity to change your life FOREVER!! It has mine - I hope you will join us.

P.P.P.S. My past 25 priority coaching clients have all gotten membership sites up and live in 30 days or less from a standing start and with no experience.